Host site on GitHub

Git repository

Go into the project directory and run the command to make the project directory as a git repository.

git init .
git add . 
git commit 'init project'

Associate git repository with github remote repository

git remote add origin

The content/ and .Rmd files

All .Rmd files should go to the content/ directory. When running the blogdown::server_site() function, the .Rmd files within content/ directory will get rendered and HTML files will be generated and copied to the publish directory.

By default, the publish directory is the public/ directory. However, when hosting a website on GitHub, GitHub can only recognize website files within the docs/ folder. We need to change the default publish directory from public/ to docs/.

Add the following line to the config.toml file to change the default publish directory.

publishDir = "docs"

Publish site on GitHub

After run the blogdown::server_site() function and push all commits to GitHub, go to the github repository, click settings, find the GitHub Pages section, and then select master branch /docs folder and save.